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  • Writer's pictureEmilia Migliaccio

Just an Illusion Themes

Updated: Dec 22, 2018

Here are some of the main themes in Just an Illusion that I wanted to share with you guys!

1) Trust

This is a big reason why Blake and Jessica struggle in their relationship-- they hide things from each other. Blake hides a big part of his life to Jessica, and she mainly hides her insecurities and past relationship. In the story, you learn how important trust is in a relationship and how it can be strained when people hide the truth.

2) Alcohol

Alcohol plays a large role in Blake and Jessica's lives. Blake has struggled with drinking ever since he started when he was 14. His brother and his father also had drinking problems. Jessica's father died in a drinking and driving accident-- he was the drunk one. She can also fall into the trap of drinking away her problems instead of facing them head on.

3) Insecurity

Both Blake and Jessica have a lot of insecurities that they've never tried to deal with. The reader can see how the verbal abuse Jessica received from her father and physical abuse from her ex-boyfriend really took a toll on her self-esteem. Blake has always been insecure about never being good enough because every time he tries to love, he ends up hurting the other person.

4) Family

This is a big theme that Blake and Jessica seem to have in common. They both have screwed up families. Jessica's parents are extremely hard on her which causes Jessica do be very distant from them. Blake on the other hand...well you'll learn about his crazy family once you start reading! :)

5) Love

Love is obviously a big part of the story. Blake and Jessica's intense love is what makes them get very far in their relationship. They are able to help each other's brokenness through loving the other person. When they do this, the lies become so bad that it becomes hard for love to power through.


Want to learn more about the story of Blake and Jessica? Click this link to find out more

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